What is it about . . .

. . . getting a box of 12 new bobbin threads that is so exciting???  I’ve got an order for thread that I’ve been waiting on since I got the HandiQuilter.  It requires “certain” threads for both top and bottom (the top threads are pretty much anything, really) and the bottom threads are particularly critical to the function of the machine.

The machine “came with” a spool of thread (whoopee!!) and one bobbin already wound (yeah, I know, it ain’t much but it’s mine!) but, let’s be real– this machine is huge and can do GREAT big sewing projects and, as a result, needs GREAT big spools of thread.  Yes, I know– I’ll take a picture, okay?

So here I am . . .

How many of these pesky “End-O-Quarters” have I been through in my career?  More than I’d care to admit to and certainly more than I’d care to repeat– please!  Once was enough!

Sometimes the EOQs are worse than other times and this appears to be one of the easier ones.  I have a really GREAT manager and she keeps things on target for the whole month so that we end up with a lot less pressure.

Well, who knows how long this will go tonight.  It will, however, go . . .

Eventually, I’ll get there . . .

Ya know, when I told Brian that I wanted to start posting again, I’m pretty sure it’s because I had something to say but, I just wish I could remember what it was!

Took receipt on a package from HandiQuilter today– contained 10 bobbins (size M) and two packages of each of the needles that I’ll need if/when I break one.  The machine requires some specialty equipment but, in case you ever doubt what you can get me for a birthday/Christmas/whatever gift, they have a handy-dandy website from which you can order “stuff” or you can simply get me a gift card.

Yes, I know that’s a shameless plug but when I first started looking at the site, they didn’t have ANY of that so I was pleased to see that they had updated the site so that _*I*_ could order things for myself, rather than going through a dealer and paying the mark-up for it.

I promise that someday I’ll get over having this machine but, I’m afraid that it will still take some time so bear with me!

Am I doing this right?

It’s been a long time since I did a daily blog.  Other than complaining about my hip hurting (yes, I’ve managed to develop arthritis there, too!), is there really enough to talk about?  Hmm, let’s see . . .

For my anniversary present to Brian, I gave him this quilt . . .

"For My Hero"

"For My Hero"

Brian gave me . . . the Fusion 24 from HandiQuilter . . .

Fusion24 with ProStitcher

Fusion24 with ProStitcher

The ProStitcher part is the bit that’s going to help me make more beautiful quilts.  Drawing flowers has never been a strong point for me so this will help — A LOT!!

Since our anniversary on May 30, I’ve been sewing for my student who is 8-1/2 months pregnant and learning my machine.  Well, after it was installed on the 16th of June, I began learning my machine.  I’m doing pretty well considering I’ve not had any formal training but I’m not going to declare myself a “professional quilter” until I at least work on my own quilt tops (yeah, that stack I have in the closet!).

It’ll come with time and I have to be patient.

And NO, I won’t be retiring any time soon– I still have to HELP pay for the Fusion!!  He wouldn’t really GIVE me a gift that expensive!!  (Or would he and I just figured I had to help with it?)

Hey, Brian . . . Honey?