Yeah, I know . . . already!

But if nothing happens, does writing that nothing happens mean something happened?  Get it?  Forest = tree . . . never mind.

So Sunday went by uneventfully except that I met the new preacher and like her a lot.  She and I are going to dinner on Friday night which should be fun.  She has a great sense of humor so I don’t expect it to be a stiff/scary dinner like it would’ve been with the minister that I great up with– he was just plain scary in any setting!

Monday I went to the hip doctor and found out that I do have some sort of “flap”, almost like a meniscus tear except there isn’t a meniscus there.  I could get it surgerized (“hip arthroscopy”) but, when I’m pretty much guaranteed a hip replacement in two or so years, why bother?  Yeah, if I had as much walking around to do as I did last summer it would be worth it but I don’t think we’re planning a trip to Paris any time soon– am I wrong, Honey?

Brian’s added all sorts of new bells-n-whistles on my composing page but hasn’t told me what they do so I still can’t link to him up there– just know that he is My Honey and there is no other.

I wanna see the new Pooh movie that’s coming out– when can I go that it won’t be filled with kids?  Yeah, right.  That’s the only thing that’s stopping me from going.

Lay Speaking Assignment?

Something else that’s happened in the interim between postings here is that I’ve become a lay speaker in the Methodist church.  That means that I can cover Sunday sermons when the pastor is out.

We have a new pastor in my church; she started on July 3 and, apparently, is already scheduling time off for later this month.  I’ve been asked if I want to speak and I’m thinking about it.  I’ve got to have a topic and the lectionary isn’t helping me right now.

Hmmm . . .

Busy Saturday . . .

It was a busy day today but mostly because I actually went OUT shopping for some fabric.  I don’t do that as a rule because I have enough fabric but when I have special projects, I sometimes have to get fabric.

Today I bought fabric for a quilt for my sewing student’s soon-to-be-born baby and for a relative’s baby (I’m not sure I’m allowed to say who is pregnant yet . . . I’ll find out, okay?).  Coincidentally, they are using much the same color scheme so they are going to get nearly identical quilts.

I met my friend Jennifer, who is moving back to Atlanta next weekend, at the Columbia Joann’s store and, fully searching their aisles (with only partial success but not the “main” fabric that I wanted), we moved on to Severna Park, Maryland’s Joann’s store.  I’ve never been to Severna Park and, frankly, wasn’t all that sure about where it was located.  Nice area.  Something to keep in mind?

Interesting thing about living here . . .

You get to give security clearance references on friends and neighbors.  How weird is that?

This morning I received a coritzone shot in my left knee where the arthritis is the worst.  Lots of fun– I hate the shot [almost] worse than the pain of the arthritis!  The worst part is that I have to ice it afterward and am not “allowed” to do a substantial amount of exercise.  Lovely.

Lexi probably suffered the most because of that– got the short walk loop and, with the heat, was none too happy about that.


So last night, while Brian was out to LOPSA, I watched four new training DVDs about my ProStitcher system.  Boring to the rest of you, I’m sure but exceedingly informative to me.  I’m going to work on my hired sewing tonight and tomorrow night and hopefully finish all but the one pair of pants for which I need new thread.  Then I’ll be able to start working on the quilting stuff on Saturday– can’t wait!!

I’ve already got a plan of attack: I’m going to draw quilt blocks on my muslin (practice fabric, batting and muslin again) and then, follow the videos to see if I can do what I need to do.  Hopefully, I’ll do it without breaking the machine!  ;>)

JK, Babe!!

I need to figure out how to set up links here so that I can remind all of you that I’m referring to Brian as “Babe”.

Gotta Love It!!

So I get done with work and I retreat to the basement to sew– there’s a shock, eh?

While walking Lexi this afternoon, I met a neighbor that is catty-corner to our house and, guess what: she needs a 100% guaranteed all cotton quilt.  Wow– I think I know where she can get one.  I’ve gotta start remembering to take my business cards with me!

This weekend I’m going to the JoAnn’s to pick up some thread– yes, believe it or not, there’s a color of sewing and serger thread  that I don’t have– so I can finish up those pants I’m altering.  Tomorrow night, I’ll finish up the rest of the pants and then I’ll have Thursday and Friday to work on the skirt and, possibly, even finish one of my wall hangings.

The wall hangings that I’m working on are a new concept for me. In a way, it is foundation piecing but it is also “quilt as you go”.  At this stage, I’m joining blocks together, and adhering the back-bindings with a fusible like “stitch witch”.  While it is fun to put together, it is HOT on my finger tips!

I can’t wait to finish them so I can take pictures!

Sew what else is new?

Frankly, everyone on the Yahoo groups for sewing always spell “so” as “sew” which is one reason why I never spell it that way.  It just seemed appropriate this time.

I told Brian that I tend to apply my natural work ethic and, when choosing between client sewing and my sewing, want to get the client sewing finished first.  To that end, while I need to make some nursing tops for my sewing student, I need to fit the pattern to her before I can begin those projects but, I have my new client’s alterations to work on in the interim.  I spent 2 hours yesterday and 5 hours today sewing for the client and, as I recall, I’ve got about 8 pairs of pants taken in and shortened up.  I’ve got three more pants and two skirts to go– probably another five hours but we’ll see.

I did do a little rearranging of some “tiles” of fabric for wall hangings that I’m making in the evening but, stopped that to string some beads for the wall hangings with more details and embellishments to come.

New Client

I have a new client for my business– a neighbor has about a dozen pairs of pants and two skirts to take in and/or hem up/down.  Lovely.  I really don’t like doing alterations but, for the bucks, why not?

My sewing student is also having me do some sewing for her since she can no longer sit in front of a sewing machine for any length of time.

New stuff I like to sew way more than alterations– alterations, especially on lined skirts and pants, can be tough.

Well, I’d better get to it!

Figuring this out . . .

I’m not used to WordPress, needless to say– I got my first comment from my second user.  That was very cool– one of the Paducah Pals saw Brian’s quilt and liked it.

I’ve gotta figure out how to do this but, right now, it’s off to the sewing room to have fun!  Later I’ve got a new client coming over for some alterations work; don’t get excited– I’m going to stop doing alterations after I finish her stuff.  I’ve got to spend time on my craft sewing!


13 years and . . .

. . . he still makes me laugh.  This morning my hair was doing “interesting things” . . . Brian went to kiss me goodbye and glanced at my hair, bent to kiss me but before connecting, glanced at the same spot in my hair again.  Yes, it was a bad bed-head bump and it was funny but his reaction was all the funnier!

The fun part for me is reliving his facial expressions throughout the morning and chuckling to myself.

13 years and he still makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.  I love that man!!