Finished and Moving On

I don’t know what I’m going to read next but I did finish “Flowers for Algernon”.  <Sigh>  Lovely book, really. So well written.

Back to mysteries, however, no doubt since that is what occupies the majority of my shelf.  Maybe I’ll hit an Edna Buchanan or two?  Sure, get something good and interest-holding to read!


Good-Time Couple

Brian ( and I sure know how to have a good time, don’t we?  I took Friday off because I had a tooth pulled and he added to my morning with other fun activities.  I know you’re all so jealous because unlike most couples who have a 3 or 4 day weekend, we just sit around and torture ourselves.

Oh, stop being so jealous!  You could have your good times, too!

Busy day . . .

that’s a good thing, I think.  Sometimes I think that way, anyway.  Except for that “chest clutching” feeling I get when I begin to feel overwhelmed.  It’s okay– I’m not dying or anything it’s just that my job is busy and that’s good . . . for now.

At night, I’m sewing and sewing and sewing.  Lots to do and never enough time to do it in.  I’m going to try some tricks with quilting this weekend so that should be tons of fun– cross your fingers that I don’t end up seam-ripping it all out!

And at work . . .

I couldn’t open any (only small one-page documents) of my negotiated agreements on Thursday and Friday so I put in a rush ticket since that is what I normally do– big negotiated agreements, I mean.  I finally got a response at 4:30 and, by 5:45, I was going offline with a brand new install of Microsoft 2010. Oh, boy.

Well, no, not really.  I spent most of yesterday trying to fumble my way through documents and email– lovely.  It makes for such a productive work day, you know?

Sewing this week . . .

The lady for whom I did the alterations last week came by to pick up her clothes and tried them on one more time to make sure that they fit.  My “guarantee” is that if it’s not altered enough, I’ll do it again at no charge but if it’s something new, then I will charge for it.  Out of the 12 pants and 2 skirts (yes, I went back and counted the articles), all of the pants fit perfectly; there was a sticky-outy spot (don’t you love those professional terms!) on one of the skirts but I easily fixed that by trimming back the seam a bit.  Then there was one pant that I had taken in and it got to be too short as a result– this was not a pair of pants that I was supposed to alter the length on to begin with– so I’m going to have to hem that one (for the first time) a little longer.

Then, last night, my sewing student brought by a couple more accessories that she wants made for the baby’s room and, there are still the nursing tops hanging around.  The tops are from a similar pattern to that which I sewed for Allex K a few years back so I know what to do and how to do it.

After that, I’ll be on my own again and ready to rock at quilting my quilt tops– I’m excited!!

Although I’ve got plenty . . .

My “To Be Read” shelf (borrowed from Barbara Thompson, of course), after catching up on the Evanovich “Stephanie Plum” series, overfloweth in mysteries but I decided to go for straight-up fiction . . . “Flowers for Algernon”.  Yeah, I know!  BUT, we went to a cheapy bookstore last fall and it was there and I thought “Wow, I haven’t read that in a long time!” so I bought it (it was exceedingly cheap at $2.98).  Yes, I’ve read the book before and yes, I’ve seen the movie but I really wanted to read it again so . . . here we are.

Sunday’s End Already

A good kind of busy for the day: Church, home to laundry, and in between loads, writing my “sermon” for next Sunday (as a lay speaker, I’m required to preach at least twice a year and hopefully, this is it), and then, doing some organizational work around the designs that I have for my long arm.  Yes, Angel requires her own sort of downloaded designs and no, I didn’t get an opportunity to take a picture today but I will, soon– Promise!

The upcoming week will be slower by a long shot– thankfully.  No doctor appointments or dinners out except for one night when I get to see my sister and her husband.  (That’ll be nice!)

Friday was a good day . . .

Although I am negative for a brain, the air has no tumors, cysts, or assorted bad things in it according to the MRI.  I am okay with those results!

I went to dinner with the new pastor at our church (Margaret)– she’s a lovely lady and wonderful preacher so I’m going to enjoy having her at our church.  We found it extremely easy to speak with each other which is important.

Today, I’m downstairs playing with Angel, my Fusion.  We practiced some things and now we’re moving on to some serious quilting!  I’m going to do the borders and inside meandering for a wallhanging that I started in 2008 for our bedroom.  Yes, this one is a long time coming but the key here is: I’m loading REAL quilts onto the system now– FINALLY!!  YAYYYY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’ll load some pictures later of Angel working later on–too much fun!!

Thankfully, IT got better from there . . .

This evening I went to dinner with my friend Gail from church.  She’s a lady who is about my age and is just starting to get into quilting.  Of course, I’m going to encourage that, you gotta know!

She went on a trip to Haiti a few weeks ago that was sponsored by my church and she wanted to show me her pictures.  Fabulous trip– so much to do!  She really enjoyed the time she spent there enjoying the differences between our cultures.

Tomorrow night, I’ve got dinner out with our new pastor.  Then, I think, I’m in for awhile.  Yeesh!!  I swear that’s  all it seems like I have done lately: eat out!

My Life is SOOO Exciting . . .

I say this based on the fact that I’m betting you didn’t start your day with a fasting blood test and _*CLOSED*_ in the tube MRI of my brain.  I am the Most Fortunate Person in the world for starting out my day that way!!  Yes, indeedy!!

Not to worry: the whole purpose of this is to confirm the diagnosis of “Vertigo” for the periodic episodes I’ve been having the last six or so months.  It would be nice to know what I’ve got so that it can be treated properly

Well, after two 5mg Valium tablets to calm me down, the only thing I wanted to do was sleep when I got home– four hours worth of nap!  I feel really rested, too!  (Maybe I should do that more often??  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!)