So Much Sewing

Something that is a pet peeve of mine are people that spell the word “So” as “Sew” because they are a person who sews quilting, clothes or whatever. I don’t know what but I just do.

Anyway, I spent the weekend sewing with friends. Fun time with lots of chatting and sewing all at once but I am tired. Wow, am I tired!!


I’m currently knitting three scarves that are a ‘custom’ order from my website, Marcia’s Makings.  That is the point, after all– to make things that people WANT, especially if they ask for it in certain colors or styles.  It’s all the same price but, it’s a matter of what they think of versus what I think of.  I’m more than willing to knit or crochet or embroider or quilt something by request– it doesn’t cost more, so why not?


Computer Count: 4

For me, that is– I have the Acer downstairs in my long arm room.  I use that for watching DVDs related to long-arming quilts.  The work Dell computer (telecommuting is such a luxury!).  My personal computer that Brian just built for me last week (who knows what he named it!) and then, the rebate computer from when I bought the Beast, also a Dell.  I’ve offered the Acer to Brian but he doesn’t want it– Oh, well.

He is going to be a dear and one of the weekends that I’m traveling in November, he’s going to build a shelf to put a computer on so that I can watch Netflix and other videos as I sew.  Well, I think I’m going to watch as I sew.  Usually I don’t watch a lot of television when I’m sewing or doing anything else for that matter.

At any rate, I think my computer count is higher than it was a few years ago– Okay, I know my computer count is higher than it was EVER before!  Its not that I do a ton of computing but I do have a lot of software programs related to sewing.

Hold on!! I’m here!! I’m here!!!

Sorry about that!  I went to a movie with a friend of mine from church last night– well, first we had dinner at On the Border which was fun.  She’s an older lady (well, older than me, anyway) and loves Mexican food but none of her other friends do so she relies on me to go with her to get Mexican.  Needless to say, I have no problem with that, what-so-ever.  After, we decided it was too early to go home so we went to see what was showing at the local theatre and decided to go see “Trouble with a Curve“, the new Clint Eastwood movie. Loved it, of course.  Clint Eastwood is so good at just about everything he does!  He even plays an old man well!!  Yeesh!!

I have to admit, as well, that I haven’t seen Justin Timberlake in anything since the wardrobe debacle with Janet Jackson lo those many years ago and, he was pretty good.  He has grown up and filled out a bit– getting up there in years will do that to you, I’ve heard.

On the sales front, a couple of the things that I’ve sold have been duplicates or special requests.  My sister is having me knit three scarves for her (and she will pay for them!) and her daughters-in-law so the knitting will start NOW in order to get them done quickly.

At night, after work, however, I’ll continue to machine embroider or piece a quilt that I’m working on.  Saturday some friends are coming over to sew together– that’ll be fun.  If we don’t get a lot done in the morning, we don’t get lunch!!  Talk about motivation!!


The SALE is ON!!

Yee-haw!! I feel like an entrepreneur, now!

I’m tired today– like I didn’t sleep last night but I did and soundly. Maybe I was excited– I get like that sometimes.

BIG Sale starts tomorrow!!

I’m really excited about this– it is the Grand Opening of my website and sale at Marcia’s Makings.  I’ve been sewing, knitting, crocheting, and quilting for years and looking forward to this time for a lot of years!  FINALLY!!

I spent the weekend working on a few things, including a new quilt– love to quilt but I also finished a couple of new pieces that I’ll put up on the site later this week.

Too excited!!

Remember the Beast?

When I purchased The Beast last month, it came with a “free” computer and a software program called “PEDesignNext” which is the Brother brand of software for machine embroidery. The email confirmation I received said to wait 30 days so I did. And then, some more days (not a lot . . . maybe 5 or 6) and I sent an email asking where my stuff was and when I could expect it. That was Tuesday (yes, as in two days ago).

Tonight, via UPS, I received the software– my how time flies, eh? Well, I’ve decided that if Rome wasn’t built in a day, I will surely not learn this software program in less than two hours so I’m knocking off for the night.

I’m actually quite tired as I don’t sleep well in the ends-of-quarter weeks and, that’s what we’re in of course. I have a 4-day weekend coming up next month so I’ll take some time to learn it then. Whew! No pressure here!!

What time is it?

Okay, so by now, you’re used to me not posting on a month-end, quarter-end night, right? I hope so!! In addition to working a little late last night, my computer stayed up all night because I was waiting on someone to get back to me about something (and they still haven’t gotten back to me!) and because I’d submitted some things for review/signature so I was hoping (foolishly) to get them back either last night or early today. No such luck– so far!

After that, I raced through a shower and out to the quilt guild meeting that I haven’t been able to go to for like two months! I’m not always interested in the things that are discussed but it is always nice to see other people’s work.

THEN, I came home and collapsed and went to bed.

A year or so ago, Brian told me that Isaac Asimov had written a “Black Widowers” series of short stories. I’m reading the last of the series now (I keep forgetting to ask Brian if he has the other books!) and I am enjoying it! The Foreword, written by someone who doesn’t like to use words with less than 4 syllables, wasn’t terribly interesting and came close to turning me off the book but, I am enjoying the stories. Especially, “Henry”, with his smug intelligence that wealthier men don’t seem to have enough of with all of their money.

Sorry– No Post Last Night

My new computer came!! Brian spent the night working on getting it set up (copying files, etc.) and I spent my night away from it. I have learned not to get in the way when he’s putting a computer together– life is much simpler that way!

Today I need to finish putting my work and home desks back together since the setting up and copying over got things moved around. Then again, maybe I should wait on that until he’s completely finished? Yeah, probably.