Quilt Retreat!!

Due to changes for our plans the weekend before Thanksgiving, I’m going to be able to do a quilt retreat weekend through my guild.  As if I don’t get enough time sewing, I’m going to take three days (really about 48 hours) and go sew with a bunch of other people for a weekend.

They provide 3 meals for Saturday and 2 for Sunday, plus a place to plug in and sew to your heart’s content and a place to sleep (cot-like with mattress).  I’ll use a sleeping bag with the mattress and my regular pillow but, I am really looking forward to it!

There will be a potluck on Friday and apparently, everyone brings munchies to share during the day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday– between quilt snacks!

So much for that!

I don’t know if it was continued post-episode Vertigo symptoms or what but I had some very flu-like symptoms, including sleeping for about a half hour after work, with no problem falling asleep last night.  Kinda puts a crimp in my sewing time, ya know?

I finished reading “A Place of Execution” by Val McDermid which is about a 12 year old book based on a murder in the early 60s.  Coincidentally, I found out that there was a BBC production of a Masterpiece Classic of the book and I found it on Netflix.  Due to the not feeling well bit, I watched that and, as usual, the book is much better.  There’s a second episode that I’ll watch at some point but I already don’t like it as much as the book because there’s a different twist that isn’t as believable in the movie as in the book.

Vertigo? Schmertigo!!

Monday I had to have continued testing to verify the Vertigo diagnosis.  First I was tested in my hearing but that’s remained about the same– 30% ability to hear anything in my right ear or a 70% loss, depending on whether your glass is half full or half empty.

Then we went on to the Electronystagmogram (ENG) testing.  Lovely.  Really.

In addition to some exercises involving a light bar and laying down, there is the inducement of 4 separate and distinct episodes of Vertigo.  Lovely.  Really.  I flunked miserably, of course (I do have Vertigo, we know), and managed to not be functional for the rest of the day.  I called in sick, took my Antivert and promptly checked out for the day.

I kept thinking: “I’ll go downstairs and sew in a minute.”  Thankfully, I never got around to that minute– my concentration and functionality was pretty much wrecked for the rest of the day.

13th? No, it’s the 23rd!!

I don’t know why but I keep trying to tell my friend, Pat, that her birthday isn’t the 13th of September but the 23rd.  Every year, she insists on celebrating her birthday on the 13th.  Every year, I celebrate her birthday on the 23rd.  <Sigh>

I know for a fact that my not getting the date right started after we moved from California.  When we were in California, we would often go to dinner with Pat and her partner, Nathan, to celebrate her birthday so we’d always go out around the 13th.

Maybe in the last year that we were in California we celebrated her birthday somewhere around the 23rd and therefore, that’s the date that’s always stuck with me?   I’ll use that for my excuse, once again but . . .

Happy Birthday, my dear friend– the miles may separate us but we’re always close in our hearts.

Quilt Redux

Last weekend I started a quilt but then realized that I was cutting it wrong and decided to go ahead with it after all.  On Thursday I realized that wasn’t a good idea.  I’ll finish that quilt another time but I wanted to create a quilt that followed the pattern so I started recutting on Friday night and finished that upon Saturday morning.  The rest of Saturday was spent doing laundry and piecing the recut quilt together but, about two-thirds of the way through, I realized that there was a problem with the cutting on this one, too.  <Sigh>

I finished sewing it (oh, well– nobody’s perfect, except God, and He didn’t make this quilt, obviously!) on Saturday, pieced the batting together (I’ve got more on order but I’m out of anything large enough for a quilt of any size right now) and pieced the backing.  I even went so far as to load the quilt top on Angel, the Fusion, but I didn’t finish that up.

Sunday morning, I was getting ready to go to church– super casual dress was noted on the Facebook page– and then a half hour later another message was posted about how you’re supposed to stay off the roads.  Now what do I do?  I texted with a friend and she said she was going to church but by this time, it was 10:30 and church was starting so I decided not to go.

I went back downstairs and loaded the quilt the rest of the way on the machine and ran out the design– “Safari”.  You’ll see a picture later, after the binding is sewn on.

Yes, I am just a quilting machine!!

Force Majeure

In my work, there is a clause in a contract called “Force Majeure” which relates to unforeseen events . . . like earthquakes and hurricanes causing delays in delivery of work or product.  I can honestly say that I’ve never experienced TWO Force Majeure events in one year, let alone in one week before this past week!

Here’s to a new week with no Force Majeure or other natural disasters!

Qults: Charity Quilt for the Guild

There are times when you just need a challenge!  I would probably not piece a patriotic quilt– just not my cup of tea– but I downloaded some free patriotic continuous line designs.  When the guild asked for someone to quilt (verb) this quilt (noun) for the upcoming Quilt Bingo Night, I volunteered because I wanted to see how these designs would stitch out.  They came out so nice, I might consider doing a patriotic quilt after all!!

I used a different design in the top border– may make a “sleeve” for it so that it can be hung as a wall hanging!

Quilts: Down the Primrose Path

This quilt kit came with the pink rose and pink dot fabrics as well as the center, mottled green fabric but I added the border fabric so I could make the quilt a little larger.

I used the “curly arcs” design for the main part of the quilt and then a pattern called American Urban Rose for the border.  It came out beautifully!