Where was I?

I’m trying to remember the week and where it went, what I did, etc.  Why didn’t I put up a post or two?

Monday was work and sew a little, Tuesday the same, Wednesday was quilt guild, and Thursday was out to dinner with Friday back to the beginning of the week.

Last weekend I complained of not getting enough sleep and this morning, Brian and I were able to sleep until 9am!  Silly dog– she was too warm to get out from under the blankets, me thinks!


Weekends Used to be for SLEEPING

Not so much anymore!  Saturday morning started with a hair cut at 8:30, a run to Joann’s and then back home in time to take Lexi to the vet.  Then some sewing in between laundry loads.  Saturday night, while I fended for myself, Lexi made me nervous.  I’m usually not all that bad when I’m alone but Lexi, feeling the need to guard me, was a bit jumpier than usual, including barking at everything she could and then, running behind my legs to hide.  Seriously.

Today I ran the grocery shopping with Brian so I could get a feel for what I’d want to have to eat for the next few weeks.  I’m bored with cooking (I think that I mentioned that) so I’m trying to get excited by trying different things.

This afternoon, I went to “HandiQuilter Club” which was fun.  It’s one of the perks of owning the machine– they have these meetings once a month or so– to show you tips and tricks and techniques.  I know many of the functions of the machine but there’s always something new to learn.

Tonight Linda Rose came over for dinner and dessert and an episode of Babylon 5– we WILL get through this series, some day!

Back to work tomorrow . . . need more naps!!



I absolutely hate cooking and anything that takes me away from my sewing/quilting.  You know that about me, right?  If you didn’t, you haven’t been paying attention.

I have to figure out new things for my breakfast and lunch meals (those two in particular being the larger meals of the day) so that I feel my hunger is satisfied.  The food needs to be cookable on the weekends so that I can warm it up during the week and, of course, there has to be some variety.

I’ve been looking around the web and have found some recipes that look like they may entertain me without raising my cholesterol level and, perhaps, even allowing me to lose a bit of weight.  Wouldn’t that be lovely!

I’ll let you know how I progress, okay?

Taking back my chair!

I’m having a lovely disagreement with Lexi as to who gets the bigger portion of the chair in my office.  Apparently, I’m only allowed the front two-thirds of the chair while she, of course, gets the rest of it so that ALL of her little body can get on it while mine seems to require constant reposition to un-sleep the bits that have fallen asleep due to poor circulation because I’m only “allowed” 2/3 of the chair!


Some dogs, eh?



I’m finally going to include the pictures of my trip to Michigan, including my step-daughter and her family as well as my sibling family, sans one sister (she stayed in Maine, opting not to travel to Michigan– her loss as it was gorgeous weather!).

It said I would get a chance to edit the pictures but I didn’t . . . oh, well.  The adorable 9 month old baby is my grandson, son of my step-daughter (whom I call “daughter”) from my last marriage.  The baby (Aiden Gibson (his first and middle names)) is absolutely adorable– he’s such a cutie and he’s sweet natured and doesn’t cry hardly at all!  It was a joy to be with him, indeed!!

My daughter is the young woman in the right column, second from the bottom.  She’s beautiful and wise and smart, and I am so proud of her!  Oliver, her husband, is pictured walking with Aiden in one of the other pictures.

The little girl with Aiden is my niece’s daughter, Amelia.  Amelia and Aiden were born on the same day although they were in different hospitals.  Amelia and Aiden had great fun playing together but he kept trying to move and she kept trying to grab him!  Aiden was also quite intrigued by Uncle Rich’s beard– he’d never seen one before so it was a mystery to him, for sure!

VERY CUTE!!  I had a wonderful time, needless to say– I hadn’t seen Kortney (my daughter) in more than 14 years so it was a real treat to see her and get to know her again.  I am really so proud of the way she’s turned out– she’s a Christian and is a fabulous mother, on top of all the other GOOD things about her!

Did I mention?

I’m off this week– no, it’s not “vacation” in the truest sense of the word and that’s about all I can say.

Monday, as you already know, was spent in Michigan and Tuesday was spent running around with MANY errands that needed to be done.  Vestibular Rehabilitation appointment (which, other than making me dizzy, I’m not sure that it is succeeding) and an appointment with my wrist doctor for a cortizone shot.  He had suggested excision of the ganglion cyst but, since I’ll need that wrist to be fully operational in a couple of months when I go for my knee replacement surgery (Yes, it is the “IN” surgery this year!), we decided we’d wait until April or so of 2012.  Works for me!

Today, I’m home all day– YAYYY!!!  I’ve got to finish refolding/sorting through my fabrics and then I get to start some sewing.  A neighbor has asked me to make a quilt for her son for Christmas– I’d best get started on that soon!

Later a friend from church will be coming over to quilt some charity quilts that were sewn together over the weekend– that should also be lots of fun!  Fellowship and laughter is a good thing on a Wednesday!

Nope, pictures didn’t get downloaded yesterday but hope springs eternal!

Traveling again . . .

I went to Michigan this past weekend– I flew out on Friday and back on Monday evening.  I saw my step-daughter from my last marriage and her family, including her 9 month old son.  Beautiful family and wonderful time spent catching up on 14 years!

We went to my sister’s house on Sunday afternoon where we were joined by all of my Michigan-based siblings for a lot of laughter and talk and some sandwiches and salads.  Kortney and her husband, Oliver, and the baby, Aiden, left at about 7:30 or so but I stayed overnight and spent time with Karen and Sue (my sisters) on Monday.  That was nice, too!

I flew home and Brian picked me up at the airport.  Lexi stayed at home but was glad to see me when we got there.

Pictures will be forthcoming but right now, the camera isn’t hooked up to the dock for downloading.

Long Time No See . . .

My friend and former manager, Judy, stopped by on her way back to California.  She’d been in the DC area getting together with some of the folks that went to Brazil with her 40-some years ago.  It was an unofficial set of events, in amongst one official event but the Peace Corps’ funds were limited so the others had to come up with some events of their own.

We went out to dinner and then she and I had a lovely chat for a couple of hours before an early crash due to the hour at which I had to get her to the train station in the morning.  She was flying out of the former National Airport (sorry but I won’t say that name on my page!) and the train is the easiest way to get her to the airport.

Loose Ends

I’m busy finishing up three projects for my quilt guild.  The two table runners and lap quilt will be prizes in Quilt Bingo which will be held on October 2 (if you’re in the Bowie, MD area, let me know– tickets are $15/for 16 cards).  I have to bury threads and stitch the binding down but other than that, I should be done soon.

The good news is that I can get started in loading up a new quilt on Friday night.  On Thursday evening, I’m going to start a Disciple I class and on Saturday, I’ll be at a laity meeting for my church.  Sunday, of course, is the Quilter’s Bible Study so I won’t be back to my quilting until Monday!  Way too long of a break, but I may be able to get in a bit of hand sewing in the interim.  Even that makes me feel like I’m sewing/quilting.

And, of course, another End of Quarter is upon us– Joy, Joy!