Getting there . . .

My cold’s not quite done yet but it is getting closer with every day.  Man, I hate colds worse than the flu!!

On the physical therapy side of the house, I’ve been told to continue riding my recumbent bike, start using the elliptical again, and, among the rest of my exercises, start using the stairs “as a normal person would”, i.e., going up and down on the stairs in a leg-over-leg fashion.  FUN!!!  Who knew you could get so excited about doing the stairs “normally”?

My insurance allowed 60 sessions of physical therapy, of which I have only used about 20-25; I’ll continue through March just because it’s good to have someone gauging what I’m doing and how I’m progressing.

This weekend, we’ll move my sewing stuff back downstairs and things will get back to normal around here.

I’ve missed it but, thanks to the EXCELLENT care of my husband, I’m actually able to get back to “normal” about 2-1/2 weeks ahead of schedule!  YAYYYY!!!

It had to end some time . . .

I’ve been far too healthy this winter– especially given that I was home with my knee recuperation for 4 weeks.  Finally, I have a bad sore throat/cold (the cold part is “trying” hard to start/happen) and, now, apparently, I am the lucky recipient of some form of the flu.  Lovely.

TheraFlu to the rescue and more sleep . . .

Yeah, I know . . .

But I’ve been busy!!

Since the 23rd of January, I’ve started riding my recumbent bike again– talk about a Happy Camper!!  I haven’t been able to ride it since late September but, I’ve been on it for almost two weeks now.  Of course, the first few times had a long extension of my leg with little bend in the knee but since then, I’ve got the seat within two inches of my “usual” position.

I’ve definitely gone to the side of “Over Achiever” with regard to results on my physical therapy.  I’m using the stairs in step-over-step fashion and, because of Lexi, I get lots of practice on the steps during the day.

I’ve gone back to work– with a warm and hearty welcome– and am happily getting back into the swing of things.  There are a lot of other things I’d rather be doing than working but as long as I am, I’m fortunate and blessed in that I do something I like with people that are fabulous to work with on a day-to-day basis.

This week I’ve only got one physical therapy session but it will be productive since I’ve gotten so far in my knee bend/bicycle riding/stair climbing.  I like to “show off” as Brian says– it’s lots of fun!  The best part is that I’m not on any narcotic pain killers and haven’t been for a long time.  I really hate that stuff, let me tell you!!  The amazing part is that my PT guy (all of 140 pounds sopping wet) pushes into the bend of my knee and I can tolerate it without the narcotics which makes me very happy!!  Okay, yes, it still hurts when he does it but I’m not dying and I am making progress in every aspect of my physical therapy.

I have to tell you something else: MY HUSBAND IS THE GREATEST!!!  Brian has taken such great care of me and encouraged me and pushed me and reminded me of how much I used to hurt and shown me his love and caring for me every day.  I am so blessed to have him in my life and to take care of me, in sickness and health.  I love you, sweetie!!


All things considered . . .

You’d never know that I had knee replacement surgery two weeks ago today if it weren’t for the slight problem I have with bending my left knee while walking.  I’m not using the cane or walker anymore– the walker (I think) contributed to the ham string problem the other day– and I’m not concerned for my balance because I don’t slow down enough to worry about it.  Now if I could just conquer the pain management, I’d be set.

I’ve got two weeks left of my disability time so I’ve got time to finish the pain management and, of course, I’ve only got two more Coumadin blood tests (today and Thursday).  I’m really glad I had the procedure and would highly recommend it to anyone considering it, that’s for sure!  So much better than the pre-op pain of the arthritis, any day of the week!!


Checking things off . . .

Pre-Op Physical Therapy – Check (groan, moan, and complaint inserted here)

Joint Camp – Check (Seriously?)

Move sewing room upstairs to dining room – Check (That was why we redecorated in there, right?  Sure– the dining table is a perfect sewing table!)

Finish Work – not quite there yet but close.

I am looking forward to the surgery– the pain is going to be different but over soon enough after so I’m definitely looking forward to surgery.

Not that I’m a One Track Mind person or anything but that’s about all I can focus on at one time.

So close and yet so far.


Rough Week

Well, it was end-of-fiscal year and end-of month and end-of-quarter all rolled into one and I am just about ready to roll into bed.  I worked until 7 on Wednesday, 8 on Thursday and 9 on Friday and am REALLY tired on top of hurting from being off my pain killing meds (see below).

The good news is that it is a three-day weekend and I have three days to recuperate– it’ll probably take two and a half days to do so that works out well.

The thing about prepping for surgery . . .

. . . They (the hospital/medical personnel) make me go off of everything from Omega 3-6-9 to glucosamine with chondroitin which means, that my Mobic is definitely OUT!  As a result, I’m only 24 hours off medication and in a whole lot of hurt– ALREADY!

I’m so not looking forward to hurting this much before the surgery.