Time Travel

Remember when I said it would take three months to hear back on the interview I had the other day?  Well, apparently time travels faster in Maryland.

No big surprise: I don’t have enough federal experience for the employer.  That’s a big problem all over the place here in Maryland.  MOST jobs are reliant on the government and therefore, require experience and knowledge about negotiating with the government.  I have very little of the first and less of the second so I’m going to be hard-pressed to get a job with a local company.

But alas, I am not discouraged!  That’s why the invented the Internet!  For me to find a job and work over the internet (via telecommuting).  At least, until something local opens up, that is certainly a very good option.

Snowing again . . .

But alas, not very much . . . yet.  It is mere ground cover, enough to make other people drive crazy so I’ve cancelled the car service appointment I had set up for today.  I’ll schedule it for next week one day when I can figure out what my schedule will be.

This is the kind of snow that is more like dandruff– little bitty almost hard flakes.  I love the bigguns that come down like baseballs (or turkeys, in case you’re Les Nesman).  If it gets pretty, I’ll take/post a picture, okay?

Afoot . . . Afoot . . .

The job hunt continues.  I had an interview on Monday that went well but they said that there would be more interviews (with me and others) and it may take up to 3 months for them to make a decision.  It took that long for one of the two folks that were interviewing me so I should expect the same.

Oh?  Really?  Yowza!  It probably takes that long to make up their mind because the people get other jobs before they make their decision and they have to start interviewing all over again!  (At least I hope I have something in three months!)

And, of course, when not looking for a job, I’m sewing.  Yes, I know– big shock.

First Live Interview!!

Yayy me!! There’s a company that I’ve talked to several times on the phone and, a week ago Friday, they asked if I was still available because they were pretty sure that they should talk to me. I said that I was and waited.

And waited . . . and waited.

I sent an email on Tuesday and waited . . . and waited . . . and waited.

Finally, on Friday I received a return email and lo and behold, I have an interview on Monday afternoon!!


“Wiper Error”

That sounds ominous, doesn’t it?  It would be less obvious if it were on a car– I mean, how many ways can a windshield wiper have an error?  Not that many, even though TopGear has tried to actually tally up the total.

No, this was on my Brother Entrepreneur (the six-needle embroidery machine) which is NOT GOOD.  It happened last night and I couldn’t figure out what caused it or how to fix it.  The book said that this was an error that the dealer had to handle.

I’ll be honest: if I had shown up at the dealer with this machine (since the machine weighs 70 pounds, soaking wet, I wouldn’t have shown up at the dealer easily, mind you), I would’ve been embarrassed.  This morning, after searching the internet for the various and sundry resolutions to said issue, I went downstairs, turned on the machine, took off the design hoop, cutting the thread that didn’t get cut properly, and, VOILA– no more Wiper Error.

Seriously, that simple!  Oh, yes, I thanked the Lord and did a happy dance cuz it was just a bit too scary there for a few minutes but overall, it is fixed, and I finished running the design.  It turns out that “Wiper Error” messages are caused by the thread-cutter not completing the cycle properly and simply removing the hoop, this time, fixed it.



The Search Continues

Not successfully but, it is continuing.  The influx of new contracts manager jobs after the first of the year has slowed down– way down– and I’m finding that if I knew oil and gas or construction, even heating and air conditioning, I might have a job.  Of course, in this geographic area, the fact that what I know about FAR and DFAR regulations can be put in the left pinkie of a gnat doesn’t help any either.  Those regs are a huge requirement and I have negotiated all of 4 contracts that referenced them.

Yeah, I will be the one that they hire after EVERYONE else on the planet has been hired by other companies.

What’s “Routine”?

Seriously!  What is “Routine”?  Ever since I was laid off, I have no idea what happened to my morning routine!  Before I was laid off, I would get up, shower, walk the dog, make/eat breakfast, exercise and go to work.  Now, I get up (eventually), shower, walk the dog, make/eat breakfast, look for work (10 or so websites), get distracted by quilt patterns or machine embroidery lay-out, and then, if I’m lucky, I’ll remember to exercise before I go downstairs to sew.  Once I get downstairs, forget it– I ain’t comin’ back upstairs to exercise!

Half the time, I can’t remember what day of the week it is and seriously, I have no idea what the date is, either.

I do NOT like unemployment– just saying!


If you’re following me on Pinterest, you’ll note that I’m less active on there than I am on Twitter.  There’s a reason for that– I don’t understand it!!  I have no clue how it works or what I’m supposed to do to make it work so sorry if I seem not to be interested in very much.