And if that weren’t enough . . .

This morning I woke up dizzy– oh, joy.  Can you say Vertigo?  (No, Don, I won’t be able to hear you from here!)  So I took an Antivert and went back to bed for an hour; I was foggy all day but that pill really did the trick on keeping symptoms away!  I had a second one at about 2 because I started to feel like I was getting dizzy again when I was looking at the computer screen but, overall, I did well this time.

Obviously, that’s much better than going through the dizzy-nausea-cold-clammies-n-hot-sweats!!  Man, I hate those!!

Better but still there . . .

Did I mention that I’m feeling WAYYYYY older than I usually feel?  My left hip is currently hurting me more than my left knee– that’s saying a lot!!  Okay, yes, I get cortizone shots in my left knee every three months (abating the inevitable knee replacement) but I can’t do that with my left hip.

After the MRIs and X-rays, it was determined that it has two years or whatever my pain tolerance can take before there is a hip replacement needs to be done.  Cortizone shots can’t be done for a hip without putting the patient completely out and being in debilitating pain for some two to seven days after– hmm, sounds vaguely like what would result from a hip replacement.  I’ve got to plan to have this thing taken care of sooner rather than later, however, since my pain tolerance is less than it used to be but also because the GRINDING is getting to me.  And, while we don’t have any big trips planned like last summer (ahhh, remember Paris?), we will eventually and I’ll want to do silly things like WALK a lot and stuff!

Quilting . . .

I’m still not great at choosing the pattern and running it out the way I want it to– I don’t think lines start a quarter inch from the borders.  As a result, I go back and fix things and I’m okay with that.  Someday, I’ll figure out which patterns do what and will know how to run them better.

Tomorrow I’ve only got to run the borders on this quilt and I’ll be done with it.  I want to start piecing the quilt for my $ewing $tudent’s baby (she had a girl!) and get that quilted with the giraffes ASAP cuz it’s just gonna be too cute!

Got it started!

I started quilting a new quilt– one I pieced back in May– tonight.  I got the first two rows finished and then the computer went wonky on me.  This is something that I have to show the dealer but I don’t have time to do that right now– I will show them.  Their support is the least I can get from the purchase of this machine!!

Ready, Set– Wait!!

I’ve got the next quilt set up and ready to quilt– I just have to wait until Thursday evening when I’ll have time to run the machine.  I’m going to do the curly-arcs design and I expect it will be beautiful.  At some point, I hope to start moving along a lot faster on the set up and running thing– AT SOME POINT!

Me impatient?  NAHHH!!!!!

I made new valances for my office last night but, other than that, there isn’t much happening around here.

Off to shower and read before bed– Marlys Millheiser (“Charlie Greene”).


This morning Brian and I began the ordeal adventure task of fixing the collapsed shelves (replaced with a baker’s rack), and re-arranging the furniture in my sewing room, along with bring back my cutting table (Oh, SOOO glad to have it back!!).  Brian, of course, did the lion’s share of work but I had to have a break in the middle of it while he finished up some loose ends.  I’ll put pictures up tomorrow but I’ve got a few things to put away yet although, soon enough, it will be finished!!

Off to bed early for me tonight!


I forgot to post here– the good news is that I haven’t posted on Facebook either, I don’t think.

I did mention one thing: In my fabric room, I have two walls with four shelves on them.  The wall on the left had the second shelf from the top go down onto the third shelf which went down onto the fourth shelf.  <Sigh>

I remembered that I had leaned on it to steady myself climbing my stool– not heavily but even just a hand out to steady myself could cause it.  Did cause it, apparently.

Brian will fix for me this weekend, because he’s wonderful that way.



It’s Official!!

I are a business– well, officially, with the State I am a registered trade name now.  YAYYYY!!!!!  I paid $25, filled out a form and sent it in and now I am officially “Marcia’s Makings”.

Now, if I could only figure out how to link to that page in my categories, let alone, have something to post!!

Didn’t fix it but . . .

At least I’m here!  I couldn’t figure out how to get into WordPress to post anything so I kinda wrote it off for a few days.  I was a little busy, anyway!

Thursday, I worked from 8am until 10pm and on Friday, I worked from 7:30am to 8:30pm!!  WHEW!!  I’m exhausted but I still worked on two shirts that needed to be altered and, duh-tuh-ta!!  I actually finished the quilt that was on the frame!!

I meandered around the embroidery designs and then this afternoon, I did the borders so it is finished.  I’ve just got to bury the thread-ends and then fix some of the stitch-in-the-ditch.  For my first time stitching-in-the-ditch with the Fusion, I did okay– not perfect but that’s what seam rippers are for, right?

The thread-burying will be done over the course of the next several days and then I can finally put the binding on this quilt, along with the tabs for hanging it!  It’s only been three years in the making but at least we’ll have it for our bedroom, it’s intended home, for a long time to come!!