Nary a Dull Moment

After going to church this morning, I came home and ate lunch with Brian, followed by going downstairs to clean up the sewing area (I have to do this at least every other week or I can’t find myself!), finish up some sewing projects, and “play” at sewing a bit. I’ve got a quilt design that I’m embroidering (Yes, there are 25 or so blocks that are embroidered) and I’m having a hard time getting it set up.

After I left that in the middle of progress again, I came all the way upstairs and finished uploading all of the photos for everything that I’ve got made and ready to sell.  Marcia’s Makings will be open for business as of October 1, starting with a Grand Opening Sale– highly recommend it, by the way.  There’s lots of sewn and embroidered and quilted and knitted and crocheted stuff up there– all good so go have a look!

Well, that was fun . . .

After getting up early-ish for a Saturday, having our blood tests, and getting breakfast, I went upstairs to change out my spring/summer clothes with my fall/winter clothes. I don’t like my fall/winter clothing as much because the colors aren’t bright– brights are only worn in spring/summer. Someday, I’m going to change the fashion industry so that they can get over the color-thang, along with white shoes after Labor Day and before Easter. (Yeah, I know– good luck with that!)

That was, of course, followed by an afternoon of sewing. I’m working on a quilt for a small child that is due to be born in February of 2013. The baby will be my great niece/nephew of the fourth kind and will, I’m sure, be adorable. My sister (the mother of the father of the baby), her daughter (the father’s sister) and I are giving a baby shower in November. I’ll bring it with me but I won’t have it finished because the baby’s name goes on the back of the quilt and, obviously, I won’t know that until s/he is born. (I don’t think they’re going to find out the gender before it is born but they surely won’t tell me the name that’s been chosen until after s/he is actually here to receive it.)

Yes, the silly traditions we have, eh?

Tomorrow church and then more sewing. I love what I do, can’t you tell?

Oh, by the way, there will be more pictures up (new!) at some point tomorrow or Monday night– I took the last of the pictures of items that I have made up today, too.  Things are really popping up over on Marcia’s Makings!


Matching Tests

Tomorrow morning, in an effort to save a bit of money on our health care, Brian and I are going to have blood tests, etc., as a check-up prior to open enrollment. It’s not like they’ll find anything we don’t already know about but it let’s us get into the “Wellness Program” my employer offers and a discount on our health insurance. If it works, why not??

Today I also ordered some “If it fits, it ships” boxes because that is apparently, the least expensive way to send stuff. Since the business is up and operating, it’ll be good to have a way of getting purchases to folks.

More pictures need to be taken over the weekend, of course– I’ve got about 20 more towels to put on the website. Never a dull moment around here, unfortunately.

Black-out and Back-up!

Unfortunately, because I walk the dog in the morning, by the time I got to my computer, Brian had left and arrived at his work. When I called to ask him if he’d shut my computer down, there was a deafening silence. No, he said. Hmm, my computer was down and, it would not turn on. I was without computer all day and bored out of my mind, let me tell ya! I didn’t realize how many things I look up during a work day because I don’t want the research on my work computer.

Anyway, he got home from work and fixed it by doing his computer-thang (please don’t ask me to describe it!) and then it was up, except for the two times that I shut off. Not shut down– just off. Of course it rebooted itself but still a little freaky.

Since I have my work computer, my Acer (which is in the basement sewing area) and a new Dell on the way (part of the rebate from buying The Beast– 6-needle embroidery machine), he’s going to build me a computer that I can have under my desk.

Of course, that’ll mean it’s HIS computer (as opposed to the three mentioned above which are MY computers), increasing his count by one to either four or five computers.

That’s okay, I have more than one sewing machine, too. ;>)

New Author to Me

Unfortunately, she’s not a new author however . . . Sharon Zukowski .  I’m reading the third book in her series (I haven’t found the others yet) “The Hour of the Knife”.  I’m impressed.  She’s a little semi-colon crazy but overall a good writer.  The story that I’m currently reading was written in the early 90’s so I’m not sure how successful I’ll be in finding any of her other books but I like what I’m reading so far.

Yes, I’ve got the old stand-bys: Laura Lippman, Peter Robinson, Tim Downs, etc. but it is nice to come up with a new author now and then, isn’t it?


The Longest EIGHT Days of My Life

Yes, well, I finished watching “24” today. Loved that show– yes, it is predictable but it was well done. Lots of fun stuff and interesting actors in it, too. I will miss Jack and the gang but I’m also probably better off being out of that dark space for awhile. Yeesh, the things they came up with as scenarios!

Now that I’ve cleared that up . . .

I didn’t take any pictures over the weekend of the remaining items that I have made up because I was busy running errands and trying to find time to sew.  I hate when that happens!

Hopefully, I’ll get an opportunity to take the pictures either later this week (if the light stays high after I get off work) or on the weekend.  <Sigh>  There is just never enough time in the day or week or hour or . . . you get the picture.

At What Point?

I belong to a Methodist church in Bowie. I go to a Methodist church because I want to go to a protestant church and I am too liberal to go to a Baptist church. There are very few religious choices around so I’m limited in where I can attend.

I am not Methodist; I am not Baptist; I am not Christian Reformed (the religion I was raised in). I am, however, a Christian.

Currently, the Methodist church is proposing that we check new members out on the Sex Offender Registry for Maryland. Really. At what point do we check them out? When they’ve come twice to services? Five times? Ten times? If they want to join, are we going to run a background check before they do? I don’t think so.

This is just ludicrous.

All of the Best Intentions

Well, that didn’t work– when I got home from running around on Saturday morning, I only wanted to SEW. I didn’t want to take pictures, I didn’t want to embroider . . . I wanted to sew. So, sew I did and had a wonderful time figuring out a new block. NOT!! Nonetheless, I’ve finished that block and am on to the next 29 just like it– lovely.

Church today and Quilter’s Bible Study after that, getting home about 4pm. I watched Top Gear with Brian for awhile and then Linda came to get her quilt and I heated dinner and watched more of 24. I’m in the last season, finally.

More tomorrow, of course.

Busy Weekend!

So, Saturday, I start out with a hair cut and then I’ve got to run an errand to pick up Diets to Go from a local fitness club. My friend isn’t able to use them this week and she couldn’t cancel so I said I’d get them (and eat them– I’ve been wanting to try them!). Then, I think I’m going to stop and get myself a pedicure– needed, trust me.

Sunday isn’t much better– Church in the morning, of course, and then in the afternoon, I have the Quilter’s Bible Study to attend. I’ll get some time for myself after I get home, if I have energy.

I also want to take pictures of more items for the website tomorrow. I’ve got a lot of stuff made up and just have to do thread snips, etc. (which I did tonight), in order to get them ready for the website.

So much to do, so little time to do it ALL in!