Brian’s always teasing me about having the willpower or concentration or whatever of a toaster oven. Oh, well . . . I guess that’s just me!
A couple of topics to touch on . . . First, Barbara, I’m so glad you’re getting the knee replacement! Good luck with it but I know your knee is going to feel better! Maybe you’ll be able to get more golf-time in!
Books . . . I’ve been reading like crazy again (I got in spitz and spurtz) but mostly I’ve been reading light mysteries. I’ve got one last Cara Black (“Murder in Passy”) to read but I’m trying to hold off until when I can savor it better.
Pictures are about to be put up and tagged as “Paducah Pals”. I had Brian hold the quilts that were finished up so I’ll put them up next (they’ll show up above this post, I believe).