First of all, the Emmaus walk is supposed to be a secret so I’m not going to tell you WHAT happened but my perspective as a participant in the 72 hours that were my walk.
The walk originates out of Luke 24 in the New Testament where two of the disciples are walking the seven miles to Emmaus from Jerusalem. Jesus joins them on the walk but they don’t know He is Jesus until later when He breaks bread with them at their table.
We do not walk seven miles– all together we probably walked about a half mile all weekend (back-n-forth to the dining hall and our conference room and dorm). In our minds’ eyes, we all walked much farther than seven miles because we grew, minute-by-minute, in our understanding of the Bible and Jesus’ teachings in it and for us.
There are 15 talks that take place over the 3 days, along with discussions within the tables that you sit at. It is a time of reflection, refueling, recharging and readying yourself to grow as a follower of Jesus who is going to lead the way until He comes again.
Discussions lead to soul searching and soul searching leads to decisions being made: one woman from my table is going to leave her job that has been upsetting her and find something that is more rewarding. Me? Yep, I’ve decided to look into the lay ministry again. I can touch people’s lives that way– help them and encourage them when their sick or just need comfort.
I am so glad I went– de Colores!